Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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Trav Meets a Harrow

September 25, 2010

Late Friday afternoon Trav and I were returning from a bike ride. Just after turning on to Halcyon Way, we heard a familiar rumble behind us. Trav tried to do a 180: yep, it was the UPS truck. We pulled into the nursery school driveway to let it pass, then we followed. Woo-whee! Prey drive and pulling are closely related, so the malamute people tell me, and I believe them. Trav chased the UPS truck, and I hardly pedaled at all the rest of the way home. I wish I had a picture of Travvy running, but even if I'd had my camera with me I needed both eyes to watch for sand and rocks and both hands to steer around them. It was so cool. I can't wait to get a scooter!

Yesterday there were two vintage Allis-Chalmers tractors on the big field at Misty Meadows, along with a flatbed trailer that was nearly as old. The Sheriff's Meadow Foundation (SMF), the conservation group that owns the fields, has been plowing a large section of the field in its ongoing effort to keep the meadow a meadow -- left to its own devices, the meadow would be a scrub oak jungle in a very few years. Travvy tried to challenge the trailer to a duel. Once again, I wished I had my camera.

This morning I slipped my little digital camera into the hip pocket of my shorts. One tractor and the trailer were gone, but the other tractor was on the other side of the field, attached to a harrow. Here is Trav challenging the harrow to a duel:



Too bad my camera doesn't take snapshots with sound. Trav was unable to get the harrow to break and run so he could chase it, but he was able to prevent the harrow from chasing him. So I'd call it a tie.


Trav, at any rate, was quite pleased with his morning's work.


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