Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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November 01, 2010

When I woke up this morning, the sun wasn't up but the sky was lightening and the clock said 6:49. Under the covers it wasn't quite chilly, but it was getting close. Since about April, the Rinnai heater's been set on L, for Low, which means it only kicks on at 50 degrees. This morning the temperature was 56. I turned the heat up to 60.

I took my first indoor shower since whenever it was that David hung the panels on my outdoor one and turned the outside water on.

This weekend I pulled on my first turtleneck since May and did the big winter/summer switch. Those lovely sleeveless dresses and tank tops, shorts and shirts of featherweight fabric, they're all put away till spring.

For about eight years "storage" has been the big cardboard box that Allie's second saddle arrived in. The big cardboard box has been replaced by two proper containers, both of which used to hold horse stuff. This is a sign: most of the horse stuff has been sold. Last week a woman answered my most recent ad in the Bargain Box (free 20-word ad for stuff that costs $100 or less). She came to see the longeing surcingle and wound up buying the surcingle, the longe line, the four never-used polo wraps, and the rain sheet. What's left (apart from my saddle) now fits easily in the metal trash can (which used to hold grain). So now my summer clothes have a (slightly) more respectable winter home.

A couple of days ago I picked a dozen green cherry tomatoes and set them in a window to see if they'll ripen. Over the last couple of weeks the temps have veered from low 70s to high 30s. The tomatoes, it seems, don't take kindly to this. From late August to mid-October nearly every tomato was been perfect. Once the chill-and-warm days started,  many of them split and turned gooey while ripening, or they developed gray crusty streaks around their midsections. Parting isn't the sorrow I thought it would be.


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