Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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Circus Ave.

July 06, 2006

If you stay out of town, away from the beaches, and off the roads, you could almost think summer was happening somewhere else.

Probably sooner than later, however, you're going to get hungry or bored, or maybe you're not nutty enough to work from home and you're going to have to get out there and earn your paycheck. (If you are nutty enough to work from home, occasionally you'll have to venture out to the post office to pick up your paycheck.) This afternoon I could no longer postpone a trip to the heart of Oak Bluffs, which is to say Circuit Avenue -- Circus Ave. to its friends, especially in the summer. I needed a few staples that I could have bought at Cronig's, but a quick calculation suggested that buying the same items at Cronig's would mean eight extra bucks (on a bill that turned out to be less than twenty).

For eight bucks I was willing to brave Circus Ave. to get to the aptly named Reliable Market. Even though it rained last night and the skies were still overcast, the temperature downright cool. Lousy beach day = bad day on the roads.

The gods smiled: I got a parking space right on the main drag. True, the parking space was outside the Lampost -- one of the  bars, which are clustered at the harbor end of Circuit -- and Reliable is halfway to the other end, but if you're hale and hearty (hardy?) the distance is negligible. I thanked the parking gods, left Rhodry to guard the truck, and hiked into the midst of Summer on Martha's Vineyard.

To judge by the throngs on the Circus Ave. sidewalks, Summer is multitudinous, Summer is bewildered, Summer is bored, cranky, and downright ugly. Where did these people come from? Where are they going? Why are they here? They couldn't all be day-trippers.

The sidewalk pace was between saunter and amble. Me, I'm of average height and my legs are of average length, but I cover ground when I walk. Probably Allie gets similarly frustrated when she tries to slow her pace to accommodate the human stride.

At Reliable, the shelves seemed to have been ravaged by locusts, but I found everything I needed and got out of there in good time. En route back to truck I nodded to several year-rounders whose names I don't know; in July anyone whose face you're pretty sure you've seen in January is an ally.

I yielded my parking space to someone who like me probably thought he'd been blessed by the gods, then crawled out of town, past those multitudinous pedestrians who all seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. The storefronts on both sides of the street looked familiar, but the foliage on the sidewalks was out of control.


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