Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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June 22, 2007

This afternoon's weather was wild and shifty. A dark gray cloud that covered a quarter of the sky moved in; it sprinkled for five or ten minutes, then the cloud moved on and partly cloudy blue sky came back. I finished barn chores and tacked Allie up. Out in the woods an even bigger and darker gray cloud was moving in, and the wind was rising. Allie's wigginess tends to fluctuate in direct correlation with wind speed, so I didn't ask for much and we weren't out for long. Besides, it was already pushing seven o'clock and I had to close up. By the time we returned, it was raining hard enough that I rushed into the barn to keep my saddle from getting wet. I donned my rain slicker (when not in use it's always hanging on the hook at the back of Uhura Mazda's cab) before going out to bring Rascal in.

Going down Barnes Road, the windshield wipers were working hard, but after we'd turned right onto the Edgartown-West Tisbury Road and passed the airport, a vast expanse of western sky was bright blue and sunny. The tall leafy hedges and shrubbery along the right side of the road were glowing so green it almost hurt. To the south the sky was still dark and spitting. Rainbow weather, I thought, and started peering -- cautiously, since I was doing about 40 mph -- through the foliage to the right.

On Old County, near the Granary Gallery, I glimpsed it. Alongside the big roadside field at Misty Meadows I had to pull over and gawk. The rainbow arched across the sky, its colors deep and true -- and below it was another, paler, like a shadow of the first. A photographer had pulled over too; he'd already set up a tripod. Welcome, summer!

Turns out it was my not-quite-five-year-old neighbor's first-ever rainbow. May you never get tired of them, I thought. May every one you ever see be as wondrous as the first.


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