Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
writer editor born-again horse girl

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August 30, 2006

See Susanna snark. Snark snark snark. Susanna's e-mail inbox is full of crap. Crap crap crap. It has been full of crap crap crap for almost three weeks. The crap is from postmaster this and mailer-daemon that. It is about failure to deliver this, that, and the other thing. Susanna never sent this, that, and the other thing. Someone Susanna knows or used to know's computer has the Klez virus. Some stupid spammer (UK LOTTO WINNER NOTIFICATION!) has picked Susanna's address out of some stupid computer's address book. Susanna wants to blow up that computer but she does not know where it is. Susanna is afraid she is beginning to understand why Ted Kaczynski moved to Montana and became the Unabomber.

* * *

Tuesday morning Sheila forwarded a post she had just received from the Editorial Association of Canada's discussion e-list. Marie-Lynn, musician, editor, writer, and horsewoman, had been in a bad riding accident on Sunday. Sheila didn't know if Marie-Lynn and I knew each other, but she had a hunch. The hunch was good. Marie-Lynn and I were introduced several years ago by a mutual friend, Hal, whom I know from science fiction circles and Marie-Lynn knows through music. Marie-Lynn and I were separately talking his ear off about horses, about which Hal knows little and (probably, although he is too diplomatic to say so) cares less, so he put us in touch. Since then we have exchanged many horse stories and photos, not to mention stuff about writing, editing, and music. We've never met in person.

I started receiving the updates that Marie-Lynn's sister Jacqueline was sending to a circle of friends and well-wishers. I passed these along to Sheila and Sally. I haven't met either of them, but Rhodry corresponds with Sally's dogs, Clancy and Jess. Sheila roped in Dyanne, a friend and co-worker. Pretty soon we were discussing mortality, health care, the importance of having a feisty sister or friend to advocate for you when you can't advocate for yourself, and places where Beau, Marie-Lynn's Canadian gelding, might live happily and more economically while Marie-Lynn is recuperating. Dyanne passed a suggestion along to Richard, Marie-Lynn's webmaster and friend, who is monitoring her e-mail. Richard (who knows Hal and had heard of me) wants to know how we all know each other.

I'm going to tell him that we belong to an order of Editorial Illuminati that laughs at national borders. That would be Copyediting-L. A few weeks ago a librarian from Australia who belongs to the list lost his wallet in Chicago. Dozens of list members offered assistance with money, documents, and places to stay, and hundreds followed his travels on a virtual map.

If Ted Kaczynski had known about the Editorial Illuminati, he might not have gone to ground in Montana.


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