Susanna J. Sturgis   Martha's Vineyard writer and editor
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June License Plate Report

June 30, 2007

Texas, Georgia, and Oklahoma.

Oklahoma is an excellent catch. It's one of that stack of midwestern states that are so hard to get: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Kansas is the easiest of the bunch, but it hasn't showed up this year. For the last several years my South Dakota has been the son of a former neighbor, but he hasn't shown up this year either. That vertical stack sits on humpback of Texas, but Texas isn't hard to get. The only reason it's listed for June is that I didn't write it down earlier; I only realized this when I finally got around to printing out a map of the 50 states and coloring it in. (This year's color is green.) Same thing with Georgia. Georgia isn't as common as Florida, but it's not rare either.

What the map reveals is that the missing states are pretty much the same old suspects, the ones that are always still AWOL at this time of year, and even when the year runs out. From east to west: Delaware (by far the toughest East Coast state), West Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, the aforementioned vertical stack, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii. This particular map doesn't have the state names on it, and hesitated over Wyoming and Colorado, and Arizona and New Mexico. Got 'em both right though.

I need to get gas so I'm not sure what the price at the pump is, but I think I remember $3.60 when I drove through West Tisbury a couple of days ago. June came in with caterpillars and went out with Oklahoma. Things may be looking up.

P.S. July 2: Price at the pump today was $3.52. I filled up and Rhodry got two cookies.


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